The Return to Equilibrium
Free verse poetry and ruminations elaborating on themes found in my abstract wood sculptures. Topics include: metaphysics, mysticism, Truth, transcendence and perception. Visit to view the sculptures and other artwork.
The Return to Equilibrium
Being No.4 - 2024 |
The simplicity in form conceals a greater complexity upon longer viewing. Form and Formless No.12 in fir was conceived on the sketch page with the precise angles and proportions seen here in the final piece. The sensitivity and subtlety of the form always baffles the sculptor in its implications regarding the laws of nature, perception and existence. The conclusion is made, that art, form and nature contain a beauty and mystery infinitely revealing in depth, and we as humans can dip into this beauty as long and as far as desired without ever exhausting its possibilities.
To the sculptor, the piece constantly reminds of a "key to truth hanging on the wall", where the form and its absence are in eternal communication, forever engaged in an inextricable relationship of total wholeness, beyond the fragmented patterns of dualistic reality.
Form and Formless No.12 - 2024 |
Contemplation on the falseness of ordinary perception results in the revelation of a very quiet mental mode where beauty is all. The motion of the bird in the tree carries a delicate purity.
Art comes from this mode of being. It can be shooting an arrow, fine cuisine, constructing a cement wall, speaking with elegance and lucidity, taking care of a sick person, even just sitting. Life is Art if action springs forth from this mode of wholeness.