Wednesday 24 July 2024

Being No.4 - Wood Form - with concept notes

Being No.4 - 2024

Meet the 4th piece from the "Being" series of forms. As the round mass provides the majority of the weight, the extended form is allowed to gently curve into its contact with the ground by way of its tip. And there is an interplay between this structural component and the more formal component which includes the piece's visual dynamics, directions of force, stresses and resolutions.

In my sculptural work, I find that these visual forces or vectors function to build an "interior geometry", an internal relationship of parts within the encompassing whole.

In Being No.4, the round mass metaphorically—yet loosely, vaguely, ambiguously—could represent the human or the soul, whilst the opening presents a window upon "infinite nothingness". Is this ocean of nothingness the spaceless and timeless field of pure potential? Personally, contemplating this vast field beyond the psyche, beyond the sense of being tied to body and senses, opens the mind to a quality of peace and serenity. Does "Being" then end with our sense of existence in this world, or does it extend beyond ourselves—emanating through us from an everlasting field of pure Love and Clarity.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Form and Formless No.12 - with description including reference to art and beauty in general

The simplicity in form conceals a greater complexity upon longer viewing. Form and Formless No.12 in fir was conceived on the sketch page with the precise angles and proportions seen here in the final piece. The sensitivity and subtlety of the form always baffles the sculptor in its implications regarding the laws of nature, perception and existence. The conclusion is made, that art, form and nature contain a beauty and mystery infinitely revealing in depth, and we as humans can dip into this beauty as long and as far as desired without ever exhausting its possibilities.

To the sculptor, the piece constantly reminds of a "key to truth hanging on the wall", where the form and its absence are in eternal communication, forever engaged in an inextricable relationship of total wholeness, beyond the fragmented patterns of dualistic reality.


Form and Formless No.12 - 2024


Tuesday 2 April 2024

What is Art?



Contemplation on the falseness of ordinary perception results in the revelation of a very quiet mental mode where beauty is all. The motion of the bird in the tree carries a delicate purity.

Art comes from this mode of being. It can be shooting an arrow, fine cuisine, constructing a cement wall, speaking with elegance and lucidity, taking care of a sick person, even just sitting. Life is Art if action springs forth from this mode of wholeness.

The Motions of Life - a poem


The motions of life
In their natural course
Showing signs
And symbols
Of grand order
We dance with the rhythms
Of the cosmos
And feel that
Overwhelming sense
Of joy
The beauty of a falling leaf,
A raging protest,
Or a drifting canoe;
The pure love seeps
Through all

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Reception No.1 - With a Short Poem


Reception No.1 - 2018

The compassion of absence—
The soft reception
Of emptiness—
The bed of nothing
Upon which we return
Every moment
In unceasing peace,
Tranquility, light,
Joy, surrender,

Monday 25 March 2024

Self Judge: A Short Poem


Self Judge

Incessant effort
To convince myself
I am worthy
Of my self judgements

These judgements
Are learned
From the crowd

We suffer collectively

Rejecting all that is false,
Turning toward truth,
Finding truth
In being


Monday 26 February 2024

The Opening of Space No.2 - 2023 - The Inspiration From Which the Form and Title Were Drawn


The Opening of Space No.2 - 2023

In this title, space refers to that non-physical, non-electromagnetic space. What is this space? In the popular mind state there is a tendency to accumulate ideas, holding bundles of them, projecting same and modifying them in a seemingly endless cycle. Perhaps this existential space, the reflection of which being the physical art object, begins to "open" through the negation of these accumulated falsehoods (ultimately arriving at the falseness of conventional time, dualistic thought and fear which constitute the foundation of the whole false reality in general). 

The next question is "How does negation of falsehoods occur?". There are two ways of seeing. The conventional way is through dualistic thought, through this false perception based on comparison, this narrative of our "life". Looking at one's thoughts and beliefs this way only continues the same cycle of fragmentation. The second way of seeing is holistic observation. Seeing this way results in realizations where something dies. That which dies no longer occupies and obstructs this shining light of silent love.
The Opening of Space No.2 - 2023