Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Unwavering Intent - A Poem

Unwavering Intent

The cement lamp pole
Wavers not in the racing winds of fortune.
Rigidly planted in the ground,
The adhesive powers bind strongly its constituents.

Nature's tree does brush the pole
With a reaching branch in flexible oscillation.

Icey cold, its breathless stance
Continues unfaltering amidst
Such kind surroundings.

The lamplight flickers out one rainy night.
The repair workers do replace the bulb
Despite the soaking downpour.
The pole, unaffected,
Water dribbling down its conical body,
Never utters a sound
As night evolves into day
And the distant mountains crumble in time.

~Mike Sasaki
Feb. 25, 2020

The Root of Time No.3
Thank you for reading on Behind The Woodforms.
The Root of Time No.3 and other sculptures are available at: mikesasakiwoodforms.etsy.com