Wednesday, 30 September 2020

A Surrealistic Adventure No.1

Sliding down the slippery slope

The rank air encapsulated

The greenish grey muddy landscape

Far into the distance.

Just as the speed of descent quickened

And the body gradually lost more and more control

A fissure began to open up smoothly

Like a giant lesion in the skin of the hill.

Scrambling in confusion, the victim

Unaware of the unfolding events

In his immediate path

Found himself coasting through a vast


There was a gaping grin stretched

Forcefully across his face

And guttural laughter was found to 

Project from his interior in cloudy jets of 

Intervallic ejections.

As the speed reached a dangerous level

First the skin and flesh was lost,

Then the bones and their entrails were left behind by air resistance.

The victim continued to gain speed until

all movement seized—

His existence felt to permeate outward

In a single ring of electrically charged smoke.

In contrast, an atemporal feeling of inward collecting

Was also apparent and as always

The unity of life was present.


Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Short Circuit


Short Circuit
The story punctured
Leaves not a trace,
Past memories

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Notes on General Concept


On the Concept of the Wood Forms:
Generally speaking, the concept has evolved over the course of the wood forms' career, beginning with solid forms and morphing into hollow expressions of light, open invitations. Not to say that solid forms will not emerge at present, but in the interest in outlining the main stream of movement, this is the case. From the outset some aspects of the approach remain unchanged; namely, the necessity of a penetrating mind state (which unfailingly involves lucidity, peace and passion) from which curious forms may emerge on paper; and, the highly abstract conceptual direction where contours, solids and space act not as signs, symbols or concrete representations but as a vocabulary in and of themselves used in the composition of visual poetry, if you will, where in critical retrospective deconstruction the parts and whole may be identified as representations of metaphysical subjects of inquiry. As a material structure, the sculptures inevitably exploit physical ideas such as pull, tension, duality, harmony, compromise, mutuality, interdependence, inseparability, intrinsic non-duality, spatial interaction as equal partner, and dynamic structural balance. It may be interesting to note that these physical concepts may have assumed a greater focus in the earliest instances in titles such as "Arch", "Stretch", "Reach" and "Symbiosis".

Monday, 7 September 2020

Freeform No.3

Amidst the enveloping light
The scene's scrambling commotion
Available to the greater view—

Sudden blindness ceases not
The continuity of motion
Even at rest—

From the droning silence
Emerge empty attacks
And thunderstorms of peace


Thursday, 3 September 2020

The Onlooker No.1

 The Onlooker No.1 - September 3rd, 2020



The vast space between the onlooker and the nearby plant
Seemed like infinity.
Eyes shut—

Eyes open.
The streak of illumination
Penetrated the dusty air,
Setting aglow
The slowly migrating patches
Of grey particles—

Meanwhile outside,
The bending light made people
Crook their necks in mystery—
“How could something so miraculous
Happen so effortlessly?
Why can’t we grasp anything?
By the time we reach for it
It’s already gone!”—

In his dream, suffocating volumes
Of sparkling glitter
Flowed in
In waving walls of pressure—

His eyes were flooded
With abrasive light
And crystalline powder—

Immobilized in a seated posture,
He drifted
In space.
So light yet so weighted
Was his being—

Outside, the loud speaker
Crackled with electronic
As the deafening horn tore through
The occupied crowds—

The massive gathering
Began to rise above the ground
Whilst in a state of inattention.
The onlooker then knew
Where he was and regained
His footing.
