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Monday, 6 March 2023

Two Titles of Sculptures with Significant Relationship Towards One Another


Two pieces from 2017 and 2018 with an explanation of the significance of the titles and the evolution thereof:

Reach No.1 - yellow cedar - 2017
Unsought Terminus No.1 - western red cedar - 2018
Reach No.1
Unsought Terminus No.1   
Reach No.1 illustrates the desire for liberation but the feeling of a membrane prevents the exit. In retrospect, this membrane is indeed illusory—and that is good news in general : )

This anecdotal idea comes to a resolution with Unsought Terminus No.1 which can be interpreted as an ending or exit (which is necessary for a "new birth" or revelation to occur) which ironically comes about after the positive effort is put aside. This effort follows an idea constructed by memory and thought which is not the actual and is therefore a futile activity.

Now in retrospect of the titling of this piece, the detailed explanation of how this comes about was still unclear to me at the time and the title thus refers to a description of the phenomenon but goes no further. The active cause of the termination of a false entrapment is a negative process, or an inquiry into what is (with the inherent/simultaneous result of its termination). Through insight (which we define as a total understanding as opposed to fragmented or analytical understanding) into what is, the falseness is seen and the fictional belief looses its existential power (it ends). To be clear, what is, is the positive effort based on the desire as we mentioned before. So, in effect, seeing the futility of this general process of thought (as an attempt to find liberation), leads to the very liberation which was sought after in the first place.

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